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Transmission is an open source, volunteer-based project. Unlike some BitTorrent clients, Transmission doesn't play games with its users to make money:

  Transmission doesn't bundle toolbars, pop-up ads, flash ads, twitter tools, or anything else.
  It doesn't hold some feaures back for a payware version.
  Its source code is available for anyone to review.
  We don't track our users, and our website and forums have no third-party ads or analytics. 


Transmission is designed for easy, powerful use. We've set the defaults to “Just Work” and it only takes a few clicks to configure advanced features like watch directories, bad peer blocklists, and the web interface. When Ubuntu chose Transmission as its default BitTorrent client, one of the most-cited reasons was its easy learning curve.


Add my repository

yum install

then install the module

yum install nethserver-linux-dash --enablerepo=stephdl

after that the transmission-daemon is started, go to https://IP/transmission


if you want to stop it (enabled/disabled)

  config setprop transmission-daemon status disabled
  signal-event nethserver-transmission-save

Transmission is particular, it doesn't write its configuration on the fly to its settings.json, it does at the shutdown and it reads at the boot time, Therefore when you modify some specific settings as :

  • the rpc-peer (peer port 51413 by default)
  • the download folder (/dl-transmission by default)
  • the rpc-url (/transmission by default)
  • the daemon port (9091 by default)

you must launch after in a terminal the event :

  signal-event nethserver-transmission-save

This event will read the /var/lib/transmission/settings.json and accordingly to these parameters will set good values to Nethserver (eg firewall, download folder….)

You will find some settings in the web application, nevertheless if you miss some specific then you must edit manually the /var/lib/transmission/settings.json but it is a mandatory, you must stop first the daemon

  service transmission-daemon stop
  vim /var/lib/transmission/settings.json

save and launch the event nethserver-transmission-save (to reconfigure accordingly the nethserver)

  signal-event nethserver-transmission-save

Retrieve Torrents

Once your torrents are downloaded you have two ways to retrieve them

if you want to allow it to the WWW (public/private)

  config setprop transmission Webaccess public    
  signal-event nethserver-transmission-save

if you want to stop all samba and web folder (enabled/disabled)

  config setprop transmission status enabled    
  signal-event nethserver-transmission-save

Allowed Users

at first only 'admin' is allowed to use them (think to set a password) but in the user panel you can allow more users

  • Can use the Transmission SMB Folder
  • Can use the Transmission WEB Folder
  • Can manage Transmission by the WebUI

Reach Url

You have in the DashBoard → Applications two urls to reach the WebUI and the Web-Folder else



and think about the transmission samba share


Please raise Issues on github

RPM from geekery & EPEL
nethserver-transmission.1432244461.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/06/05 19:48 (external edit)