esmith::util - Utilities for e-smith server and gateway development
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This file documents “esmith::util” version 1.4.0
use esmith::util;
This module provides general utilities of use to developers of the e-smith server and gateway.
Sets the real UID to the effective UID and the real GID to the effective GID.
Depreacted interface to esmith::templates::processTemplate().
This routine changes the ownership of a file, automatically converting usernames and groupnames to UIDs and GIDs respectively.
Returns the current release version of the software.
Convert IP address from “” notation to a 32-bit integer.
Convert IP address from a 32-bit integer to “” notation.
Convert IP address from a 32-bit integer to reversed “” notation for BIND files.
Given an IP address and netmask (both in “” format) compute the network and broadcast addresses and output them in the same format.
Given an IP address and netmask, the computeLocalNetworkPrefix function computes the network prefix for local machines.
i.e. for an IP address of and netmask of, this function will return “192.168.8.”.
This string is suitable for use in configuration files (such as /etc/proftpd.conf) when the more precise notation is not supported.
Given an IP address and netmask, the computeAllLocalNetworkPrefixes function computes the network prefix or list of prefixes that fully describe the network to which the IP address belongs.
* for an IP address of and netmask of, will return an array with a first (and only) element of “192.168.8”.
* for an IP address of and netmask of, will return the array [ ’192.168.8’, ’192.168.9’ ].
This array is suitable for use in configuration of tools such as djbdns where other network notations are not supported.
Given an IP address and netmask, the computeLocalNetworkShortSpec function computes a valid specifier where yyy is the number of bits specifying the network.
i.e. for an IP address of and netmask of, this function will return “”.
This string is suitable for use in configuration files (such as /etc/proftpd.conf) when the more precise notation is not supported.
Given an IP address and netmask, the computeLocalNetworkSpec function computes a valid specifier.
Given a number of bits of network address, calculate the appropriate netmask.
Given an IP address and netmask, the computeLocalNetworkReversed function computes the appropriate DNS domain field.
The return value is aligned to the next available byte boundary, i.e. returns "" returns "" returns "" returns "" returns ""
This string is suitable for use in BIND configuration files.
Given a network specification (IP address and netmask), compute the total number of hosts in that network, as well as the first and last IP addresses in the range.
Given a domain name such as, generate the LDAP base name “dc=foo,dc=bar,dc=com”.
Run command in background after a specified delay.
Low-level password-changing utilities. These utilities each change passwords for a single underlying password database, for example /etc/passwd, /etc/samba/smbpasswd, etc.
Validate Unix password.
Set Unix password
Check if the given username/password pair is correct. Return 1 if they are correct, return 0 otherwise.
Set Unix password but require previous password for authentication.
Set Samba password
Cancel Samba password
Returns the LDAP password from the file “/etc/openldap/”. If the file does not exist, a suitable password is created, stored in the file, then returned to the caller.
Returns undef if the password could not be generated/retrieved.
High-level password-changing utilities. These utilities each change passwords for a single e-smith entity (system, user or ibay). Each one works by calling the appropriate low-level password changing utilities.
Set the e-smith system password
Set the samba administrator password.
Set e-smith user password
Set e-smith user password - require previous password
Cancel user password. This is called when a user is deleted from the system. We assume that the Unix “useradd/userdel” programs are called separately. Since “userdel” automatically removes the /etc/passwd entry, we only need to worry about the /etc/samba/smbpasswd entry.
Set ibay password
Manage services - stop/start/restart/reload/graceful
Returns 1 for success, 0 if something went wrong, fatal exception on bad arguments.
serviceControl( NAME=>serviceName, ACTION=>start│stop│restart│reload│graceful [ BACKGROUND=>true│false (default is false) ] );
serviceControl( NAME=>’httpd-e-smith’, ACTION=>’reload’ );
The BACKGROUND parameter is optional and can be set to true if start/stop/restart/etc. is to be done in the background (with backgroundCommand()) rather than synchronously.
This command is the supported method for action scripts, blade handlers, etc., to start/stop/restart their services. Currently this is done via the rc7 symlinks, but this may change one day. Using this function gives us one location to change this behaviour if desired, instead of hunting all over every scrap of code. Please use it.
Return all available licenses In scalar context, returns one string combining all licenses In array context, returns an array of individual licenses
Optionally takes a language tag to be used for retrieving the licenses, defaulting to the locale of the server.
Initialize all databases located at /etc/e-smith/db.
Mitel Networks Corp.
For more information, see