A simple, low-overhead web dashboard for GNU / Linux. (~1MB)
see https://github.com/afaqurk/linux-dash
Add my repository, see how to do it
then install the module
yum install nethserver-linux-dash --enablerepo=stephdl
each time you want to update linux-dash, you must do
signal-event nethserver-linux-dash-update
First only admin is allowed but you can add more users, linux-dash is restricted to the local network, but you can open it to the www if you want.
# config show linux-dash linux-dash=configuration Name=linux-dash Users=toto,titi,tutu access=private status=enabled
config setprop linux-dash Users user1,user2,user2 signal-event nethserver-linux-dash-update
config setprop linux-dash access public signal-event nethserver-linux-dash-update
config setprop linux-dash status disabled signal-event nethserver-linux-dash-update
config setprop linux-dash Name plop
signal-event nethserver-linux-dash-update
After that you can see your server-activity (bandwithd, cpu, nethwork, accounts…) in real time, go to https://IP/linux-dash (if you don't have changed the url) or go to dashboard→applications→linux-dash (think to set a password to the admin user)
Please raise Issues on github