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TT-rss is a rss reader, see

First you need to install my repository, see how to do it


yum install nethserver-tt-rss --enablerepo=stephdl  

You need to go to https://your_ip/tt-rss (or in dashboard→application→tt-rss) and use a valid user of your nethserver

  • admin User
on NS6 is 'admin' if a password is set
on NS7 create and use the user admin@yourdomain to login. yourdomain must be relevant to your domain :)


  • Control the services

normally the service tt-rss (which controls the feed updates) will be started automatically, if you want to control it

  service tt-rss start

you can use (start, stop, restart, status)

you can see the internal configuration database

  # config show tt-rss 

once you have modified a property you need to launch a signal-event : signal-event nethserver-tt-rss-update

  • rss Feed update

If you want to completely stop the daemon of feed update if you want to modify it (private|public)

  config setprop tt-rss status disabled
  signal-event nethserver-tt-rss-update
  • Private/Public access

by default tt-rss is allowed only on the private side, eg : your local network. if you want to modify it (private|public)

  config setprop tt-rss access public
  signal-event nethserver-tt-rss-update
  • Multi User

By default the multi user access is activated, tt-rss can manage several users with their personnal rss feeds if you want to modify it (enabled|disabled)

  config setprop tt-rss MultiUser disabled
  signal-event nethserver-tt-rss-update
  • Authentication

Control the way users are authenticated. Correct values are http (apache protect the access), internal (uses the internal database to manage users and groups. An admin have to create user account before they can login). you need to login using admin/password on NS6 or admin@yourdomain/password on NS7

  config setprop tt-rss  Authentication http
  signal-event nethserver-tt-rss-update
  • default system plugins for All

You can force to all users some system plugins ('note' is by default, comma separated list), see

config setprop tt-rss Plugins4All note,digest
signal-event nethserver-tt-rss-update


Please raise Issues on github


Epel rpm

nethserver-tt-rss.1476135836.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/06/05 19:48 (external edit)