==== TT-rss ==== TT-rss is a rss reader, see https://tt-rss.org/redmine/projects/tt-rss/wiki First you need to install my repository, [[nethserver|see how to do it]] Then yum install nethserver-tt-rss --enablerepo=stephdl You need to go to https://your_ip/tt-rss (or in dashboard->application->tt-rss) and use a valid user of your nethserver * admin User on NS6 is 'admin' if a password is set on NS7 create and use the user admin@yourdomain to login. yourdomain must be relevant to your domain :) ==== Usage ==== *Control the services normally the service tt-rss (which controls the feed updates) will be started automatically, if you want to control it service tt-rss start you can use (start, stop, restart, status) you can see the internal configuration database # config show tt-rss tt-rss=service MultiUser=enabled MysqlPort=3306 access=private status=enabled once you have modified a property you need to launch a signal-event : signal-event nethserver-tt-rss-update * rss Feed update If you want to completely stop the daemon of feed update if you want to modify it (private|public) config setprop tt-rss status disabled signal-event nethserver-tt-rss-update * Private/Public access by default tt-rss is allowed only on the private side, eg : your local network. if you want to modify it (private|public) config setprop tt-rss access public signal-event nethserver-tt-rss-update *Multi User By default the multi user access is activated, tt-rss can manage several users with their personnal rss feeds if you want to modify it (enabled|disabled) config setprop tt-rss MultiUser disabled signal-event nethserver-tt-rss-update *Authentication Control the way users are authenticated. Correct values are **http** (apache protect the access), **internal** (uses the internal database to manage users and groups. An admin have to create user account before they can login). you need to login using admin/password on NS6 or admin@yourdomain/password on NS7 config setprop tt-rss Authentication http signal-event nethserver-tt-rss-update *default system plugins for All You can force to all users some system plugins ('note' is by default, comma separated list), see https://tt-rss.org/gitlab/fox/tt-rss/wikis/Plugins config setprop tt-rss Plugins4All note,digest signal-event nethserver-tt-rss-update ==== Issues ==== Please raise Issues on [[https://github.com/stephdl/nethserver-tt-rss/issues|github]] ====Sources==== source are available https://github.com/stephdl/nethserver-tt-rss/tree/ns6 ==== Epel rpm ==== pwauth perl-Expect mod_authnz_external {{tag>module}}